Hi there fellow beauty lover, hope you like my work!
I read somewhere “You should always write a biography in third person” almost like you got interviewed for, let’s say, Peoples Magazine by an extremely talented journalist who was dying to meet you and hear your story, because you are, I mean, the best and coolest person, like, ever!
This is true though, I am totally the best and coolest person, just no one have asked me for this interview yet… their loss anyways.
Anyhow, I will continue my timeline in third person, because this is obviously how it should be done when you are a professional, but don’t be fooled, it’s still me. I’ve decided to write my story in three categories since I’ve spent half my life within the world of fashion.

The Fashion Model
When Linnéa got scouted at the metro in Stockholm back in 2002, she had no interest in the fashion industry what so ever. Her favorite outfit was a red Mickey Mouse sweater that she got from her grandmother the first time she visited Paris, Disneyland Paris, along with a pair of too short jeans with the British flag sewed on to the back pockets.
A few days later she signed with the biggest model agency in Scandinavia, MIKAS Stockholm, and her career took off immediately. Some of her first photoshoots was for Vogue Russia, Tiger of Sweden and Day Birger et Mikkelsen campaigns… At the age of 15 Linnéa started traveling on holidays to the big fashion cities around Europe and have had the opportunity to work and live in cities like Paris, Milan, London and Cape Town.
Due to her total lack of interest in the fashion world she managed to stay humble (isch) and with both feet on the ground (except for those x-hundreds of hours in a plane going places) even though she have had the pleasure of working and meeting some of fashions biggest names (most of the times not even realizing).

The Makeup Artist
2016, after 15 years modeling, Linnéa moved back to Stockholm to do something else for a while. She started working on her high school grades with the goal to study psychology at university. This shattered after two months studying math, base level.. The numbers just didn’t turn out the way she wanted. So, she did like any sensible person would have done when algebra gets in the way; she gave up.
After feeling sorry for herself for a while, googling anything from “how to get in to university without grades”, “jobs without education”, “how to become a price wife”, “what job fits your star sign?” she finally got an epiphany; it had been a part of her life all the time, the perfect combination of psychology and being creative, in a field she knows by heart!
She was about to become a makeup artist!
2017 she began her education at Linda Mehrens Makeup Academy, a school focusing only in makeup towards fashion. After the examinations day she began working right away, thanks to a heavy diploma from a renown makeup school as well as a lot of helpful friends in the industry.

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The Hair Stylist
Everyone in the industry knows that no makeup artist will survive without at least some kind of knowledge in hairstyling. “Boring but necessary” she thought when signing up to a hairstylist course for makeup artists. Little did she know that this course was about to change her whole view of herself.
Hasse Nilsson, founder of Noir Stockholm, with his team was teachers at this course, and maybe Hasse’s enthusiasm about hair was contagious, because after just a few days Linnéa knew that this is what she wants to work with for the rest of her life. With both excitement and panic Linnéa got the opportunity to start a trainee at KoivistoKarlsson in Stockholm. She was taught both hairstyling, cutting and coloring by Jenny Karlsson with team, focusing on how to work with hair in a fashion environment as well as in a commercial aspect.
After combining freelance with the salon work Linnéa had a baby girl in 2019 and went on parental leave. This parental leave lasted about six weeks before she was starting to take on a few jobs here and there. With every job her confident got stronger and she started accepting more and more freelance jobs. Eventually in February 2020 she was signing with MIKAS Looks, and the circle was tied.